Bay Retriever

S2 9.2C #146

As of 2024-05-03 20:37:50:

Depth 9.6 Winds 124 at 12 gusting to 0

Last high tide 9.1 feet at 2024-05-03 17:36:51, low tide 6.7 feet at 2024-05-03 17:26:50

Bay Retriever takes first!!

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Electric panel wiring

Here's a view of Bay Retriever's electric panel back-end wiring. Several of the wires are just temporary and not yet secured.

And here's the mass of wires for the instrument interfaces. On the far left is the Brookehouse multiplexer. Next is the KVH Autocomp 1000 compass and RayMarine NMEA-SeaTalk interface. This was a preliminary photo before the wires were secured.